Amara’s Not So Dolce Vita

3 words: Prostitutes. In. Pompeii.

I couldn’t think of a catchier way to convince you to read this trilogy, so I kept it simple. And I do want you to read the whole trilogy, because while it sounds like a commitment, I promise the relatable characters, their development, and the unique plotline throughout all three books will make it worth the time (and emotional) investment.

The story follows Amara, a young woman reeling after the unexpected death of her physician father. Having been raised in a stable, wealthy household, Amara’s world is further shattered when her mother sells her into indentured servitude, which spirals into slavery. Swiftly shipped from Greece to Italy, Amara finds herself on the shores of ancient Pompeii’s slave docks, where her new master purchases her for work in his brothel, The Wolf Den. Unrealistic hope for a new beginning fuels Amara as she uses the tools her father instilled in her for a shot at a life beyond the brothel.
Some might accuse her of dreaming too big for her social status, but these judgements only propel her ambitions. Amara might be a shewolf by trade, but her aspirations will take her well beyond the walls of her den.

Amara’s story is one of grit, savvy, and creativity. We meet so many loved (and hated!) characters through the alleys of Pompeii, each with a distinctly human story we can relate to. The women of the brothel face daily challenges you wouldn’t wish on anyone, and yet their unwavering support for one another and authentic comradery just might convince you of a career change – or maybe that’s just because I’m a woman in tech surrounded by men who don’t always practice proper hygiene. Or understand social ettiquette. Actually, I’d more than fit in at The Wolf Den.

The Wolf Den spotlights the power of female friendships in the darkest of places, that ingenuity and sheer will can improve the direst situation, that unconditional love is the ultimate sacrifice and reward. 
There will be highs and lows to this saga, and at times, the plot does sag. Then you remember the story is set in ancient Pompeii. At the base of Mount Vesuvius. Aka the site of one of the most natural disasters in recorded human history. And you’re immediately back on your toes, listening for volcanic rumblings and sensing any tectonic plate shift. I hope you will give Amara and her cast of unique characters a chance! Just like Mount Vesuvius, their stories are sure to make your heart ERUPT! 

  • Book 1: The Wolf Den

  • Book 2: The House with the Golden Door

  • Book 3: The Temple of Fortuna

To purchase The Wolf Den trilogy, follow this link to my Amazon bookshop: The Wolf Den Trilogy.

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