Journal Prompts for Book Lovers – March 2024

a journal and pens

All of 2024 I’ll be posting a monthly list of writing prompts for book lovers. Use this list to deeply engage with your favorite reads throughout the year.

Last year, I challenged myself to read 100 books. That’s actually an unfair statement, because I’ve been challenging myself to read 100 books since 2017. 2023 was the first year I accomplished it. Some years were easier to read than others, depending on work and mental health and obligations. Something I learned through years of reading goals is that unless a book earns one of my coveted 5-star ratings or becomes an instant personal classic, I struggle to remember details. I forget character names, plot points, even whole ass endings. It became so frustrating when people would ask for recommendations, and I couldn’t give compelling details why they should read a book I’ve publicly praised. That’s how I came up with these writing prompts for book lovers.

Every month, I post a list of journal prompts to help readers dig deeper into the books they love. Our world is already so fast paced, reading doesn’t need to follow that pace. We can relax and decompress with our favorite books without it feeling like a competition to read more than the next person. We are only in competition with our minds and how much enjoyment we can get out of a simple vice. So use this list (or past months) of journal prompts to fuel your next reading adventure!

“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.”

Jhumpa Lahiri
  1. What book character would make an ideal partner? What is their most redeeming quality?
  2. Have you ever given a book a 1 star rating? Or heaven forbid a 0 star rating? Why?
  3. Have you ever read a book that made you physically angry? Did you end up finishing it?
  4. How often do you find yourself buying books? Are they typically new or used?
  5. What is your favorite poem? Can you recite passages from memory?
  6. Is there a story from your childhood whose lesson you still apply as an adult?
  7. Let’s debate: Dr. Seuss or Shell Silverstein?
  8. When was the last time you visited a physical library?
  9. If you’re reading a thriller or true crime, do you ever have trouble sleeping or experience weird dreams?
  10. Has reading ever shaped your music interests? What genre of music have you explored after reading about it?
  11. Do you belong to a book club? If so, what types of books does your club prefer to read?
  12. Have you ever recommended a book to a friend or family member and they didn’t enjoy it?
  13. Have you ever created a Pinterest board based off a book you read? If so, what was the theme?
  14. Do you ever choose your outfits to match a character’s style or the cover of your latest read?
  15. This is a safe space: share your favorite smutty trope.
  16. What role do GoodReads reviews play in selecting your next book? Is there another review app that helps you decide what to read?
  17. Do you ask for books at birthday gifts of Christmas presents? What is the best book you ever received as a gift?
  18. Have you every experienced a reading slump? What book pulled you out of it?
  19. What character would you feel comfortable bringing home to meet your family?
  20. Did your parents or guardians play any role in your love of reading?
  21. I know you secretly love a book villain. Who is it?
  22. What fictional food do you wish existed in real life?
  23. Mafia romance or sports-related romance? Or both depending on your mood?
  24. Has reading ever hurt your mental health? Do you ever find yourself having to pull back?
  25. What current best seller do you think shouldn’t be a best seller?
  26. What Indie author do you wish more people knew about?
  27. Do you think authors are better at the beginning, middle, or end of their careers?
  28. What book should all young girls read? Young boys?
  29. You leave tomorrow for a week-long vacation. What book are you packing?
  30. Do you ever feel guilty DNF-ing a book?
  31. Ok! We’ve reached the end of the month. What’s your least favorite book you read in March? How does it compare to your least favorites from January and February?

To follow along with each month’s writing prompts for book lovers, refer here to see what we’ve discussed throughout 2024.

I’ve collected some of my favorite journals and saved them to my Amazon Storefront: My Favorite Journals. Use this list as inspiration for your next journaling project!

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