How Do You Track Your Reading?

photo of the logos for bookly, storygraph, and goodreasd book tracking apps. these screenshots are in front of a gothic style bookshelf

The reader community is loud and proud, especially when it comes to their book tracking app of preference. I’ve made a good deal of content on here reviewing different apps for book lovers, and I think it’s time we compare one against another. I’ve narrowed it down to three contenders: Bookly, StoryGraph, and GoodReads. Let’s see how these book tracking apps stack up against each other!


Bookly is the newest app I’ve added to my routine. It helped me pull myself out of a terrible reading slump and get back on track through its game-ified user experience. You challenge yourself to read a certain number of pages or for a certain duration of time, and it helps you build the habit. There is a paid unlimited tracking monthly subscription, but I’m only using the free version, so I am limited to how many books I can shelf, which is frustrating. So while I argue Bookly is the best app to motivate users to read more, it’s definitely in last place in terms of tracking.

Overall rating: 3.5/5
screenshot of the bookly app's interface and UI


StoryGraph was the strongest challenger to industry-favorite GoodReads. They share a lot of the same features for shelving and tagging books, rating and reviewing, building a TBR. They also allow you to import all of your GoodReads data, so that you don’t have to track every book you’ve ever read from scratch. The biggest draw for me was their analytics. As a data scientist by trade, I love seeing the visual representations of my reading so that I can detect my own trends and preferences. But the lack of community and collaboration made the app feel cold and isolating. Like Bookly, there is also a Premium version of the app, but you can get started for free.

Overall rating: 4/5
screenshot of the storygraph app's interface and UI


I wasn’t expecting GoodReads to retain my top spot, but here I am. Crowning it my favorite app to date. While it might not have some of the flashy features like time tracking in Bookly and data visuals in StoryGraph, the ease of use and strong community solidify it as my personal favorite for readers. It’s also completely free. There is no paid version. As much as I would love to try something new, I think I’ll be sticking with ole reliable.

Overall rating: 4.5/5
screenshot of the goodreads app's interface and UI

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