Announcing: Bookmarq’s Independent Bookstore Map

a map of independent bookstores throughout the united states

As you know, Bookmarq prides itself on stepping beyond the pages of our favorite books to connect readers around the world. In a fast-paced world where even our literary goals force us to read at lightning speed, it’s easy to lose sight of both the relaxation and community reading provides. Which is why we’ve made such a personal investment in developing a tool to combat both these challenges. Bookmarq is proud to introduce its Independent Bookstore Map!

Navigate to our map here!

This map pulls nearly every registered independent bookstore across the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. There are nearly 4000 in total, and we are frequently adding new bookstores that open or removing those that unfortunately close. At the moment, we offer three ways to filter the map. Users can filter by state, or they can search for the name of a bookstore, including partial match. So even if you only remember part of the name, we’re doing our best to help you find it. You can also filter by bookstores Bookmarq has personally visited. These stores are noted by blue pins and offer a Bookmarq review score. Once you find the store you’re looking to visit, simply hover over its pin to see contact information.

We ask that the community helps us maintain this list! If you recognize that a bookstore on this independent bookstore map is no longer operating or you know a new bookstore in your area that has recently opened, please send them our way! We constantly update our system. We have a plan for future iterations of the map including the following features:

  • Stores that specialize in comics, anime, and other subgenres
  • Advanced filtering capabilities that showcase bookstores that offer used and rare copies, LGBTQ+ safe spaces, radical literature
  • An international version of the map for our foreign friends or Bookmarqers who love to travel
  • An internal review system, where Bookmarqers can post their own reviews of locations and build community connections

Please send any feedback of the existing map or ideas for future version of the map to [email protected]. Thank you for your continued support!

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